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good governance

The fairy tale of an independent investigation into Chinese doping

The fairy tale of an independent investigation into Chinese doping

The champagne corks are popping at the headquarters of the World Anti Doping Agency and in Beijing. A so-called investigator has delivered the desired result in response to two questions posed by his client. WADA has allegedly done everything right. But in fact all questions remain unanswered.

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The love relationship between FIBA, the NBA and Rwanda

The love relationship between FIBA, the NBA and Rwanda

After refusing to wear jerseys flocked with the slogan Visit Rwanda, the Burundian basketball club Dynamo BBC was eliminated from the Africa League by general forfeit. The case symbolizes the tensions in the Africa of the Great Lakes and the links between world basketball and the Rwandan regime.

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European Aquatics: united in total lack of transparency

European Aquatics: united in total lack of transparency

The head of Portugal's leading sports institute "repudiates and condemns" the lack of truth in statements made by António Silva, he has told national media on a day when the controversial, "self-suspended" boss of Portuguese swimming was reelected president of European Aquatics in Athens.

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The Royals: Queen Letizia, King Felipe, Wannabe King António Silva. (Photo: LEN / European Aquatics)

When sporting bodies believe they're above the law

What is all the talk about good governance worth? Portugal and swimming regulators at global, European and domestic levels, now face the age-old question of what to do when national laws rule you unfit to govern but the sports family thinks it knows better.

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Where Olympic sports reform finds itself in choppy seas

Where Olympic sports reform finds itself in choppy seas

Swimming’s new Integrity Unit faces its first test of independence as questions swirl around European Aquatics’ Portuguese president António Silva. The board will have an emergency meeting this evening to fend a serious threat to Silva’s re-election later this month.

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FIFA will start the tail between the legs of Chad (and Guinea)

FIFA will start the tail between the legs of Chad (and Guinea)

Coming in large numbers to Chad to impose its single-candidate election, FIFA is for the moment empty-handed: the public prosecutor has cancelled the elections, and the security forces have prevented FIFA from passing in force. A failure after that of Guinea a few days earlier.

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