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Fatma Samoura, outgoing General Secretary, FIFA Deity Gianni Infantino. (Photo: FIFA/Twitter)

"I love you, president"

Fatma Samoura is stepping down as FIFA's General Secretary. There is no reason to regret that. There is no reason to celebrate Samoura for anything. The woman from Senegal is a princely paid mascot of FIFA dictator Gianni Infantino. She has always covered up for his dirty dealings.

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The coalition of Olympic perpetrators

The coalition of Olympic perpetrators

The IOC and the Olympic federations are obliged to punish Russia and its warmonger, Vladimir Putin. Jens Weinreich calls for a comprehensive independent criminal investigation of the longstanding deep connection of the Olympic institutions with the Kremlin within the framework of the EU.

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Olympic family: Long-time allies Lamine Diack (convicted), Sheikh Ahmad (convicted), Thomas Bach. (Photo: ANOC)

Olympic powerbroker Sheikh Al-Sabah sentenced to prison

Sheikh Ahmad Al-Sabah has been sentenced to prison. Our author has observed the Kuwaiti Sheikh for many years and has been threatened by the Sheikh’s aides several times. He describes the methods that brought Ahmad to power and the implications of the conviction for Al-Sabah and the Olympic system.

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Patrice Motsepe. (Photo: CAF)

«La CAF est devenue un département de la FIFA»

L’élection la semaine dernière du nouveau président de la Confédération africaine de football, le Sud-Africain Patrice Motsepe, a montré, au grand jour, l’ingérence de Gianni Infantino. Mais peu de voix osent s’en offusquer ouvertement.

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The playbook that keeps Thomas Bach in power at the IOC

The playbook that keeps Thomas Bach in power at the IOC

Thomas Bach has been re-elected as IOC President for a final term without any opponents or opposition. Using Bach’s doctoral thesis as a departure point, Jens Weinreich describes how constantly planning for the future has provided Bach with an unprecedented hold on power in the Olympic system.

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