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FIFA will start the tail between the legs of Chad (and Guinea)

FIFA will start the tail between the legs of Chad (and Guinea)

Coming in large numbers to Chad to impose its single-candidate election, FIFA is for the moment empty-handed: the public prosecutor has cancelled the elections, and the security forces have prevented FIFA from passing in force. A failure after that of Guinea a few days earlier.

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Human rights abuser Sheikh Salman (FIFA, Bahrain), human slaughterer Mohamed Bin Salman, Infantino, butcher Putin.

FIFA World Cup 2034 Saudi Arabia™

The news behind the news on the 2030 World Cup is that the 2034 World Cup will go to the sporting rogue state of Saudi Arabia and the chainsaw monster MBS. It sounds weird: FIFA does not act worse in awarding its mega-events than the IOC does with the Olympics, but comparatively transparently.

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