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conflict of interest

The fairy tale of an independent investigation into Chinese doping

The fairy tale of an independent investigation into Chinese doping

The champagne corks are popping at the headquarters of the World Anti Doping Agency and in Beijing. A so-called investigator has delivered the desired result in response to two questions posed by his client. WADA has allegedly done everything right. But in fact all questions remain unanswered.

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Coronation, crime and corruption

The King of Cypriot football has been crowned – again. Like all coronations, there is no rival but the game is far from healthy in the realm of Giorgos Koumas, under whose presidency the failings of the Cyprus Football Association (CFA) were mercilessly exposed before he was re-elected unopposed.

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Bullying investigation highlights Olympic Movement’s control of WADA

Bullying investigation highlights Olympic Movement’s control of WADA

IOC's WADA representatives Francesco Ricci Bitti and Patrick Baumann were accused of intimidating Beckie Scott at a 2018 meeting, where a decision was taken to reinstate RUSADA, despite Russia not meeting WADA’s requirements. So why did WADA’s investigation cost the insane amount of $1.6 million?

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The playbook that keeps Thomas Bach in power at the IOC

The playbook that keeps Thomas Bach in power at the IOC

Thomas Bach has been re-elected as IOC President for a final term without any opponents or opposition. Using Bach’s doctoral thesis as a departure point, Jens Weinreich describes how constantly planning for the future has provided Bach with an unprecedented hold on power in the Olympic system.

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