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About journalism. Sobre o jornalismo.

THE INQUISITOR can only exist in the long term and deliver consistent first-class journalism if we receive the required funding, including a flow of income from annual subscriptions. Our introductory prices are still valid until tomorrow, January 31.

January 2024: CBF president Ednaldo Rodrigues, technical director Dorival Junior. (Photo: Imago)
January 2024: CBF president Ednaldo Rodrigues, technical director Dorival Junior. (Photo: Imago)

Dear readers! Dear new Brazilian readers!

Caros leitores, caros novos leitores brasileiros!

Today I am addressing you in Portuguese and English, for topical reasons. I'm going to do this in two languages, alternating paragraph by paragraph between Portuguese and English. I am not a native speaker of either of these languages, so please forgive any mistakes and/or awkward phrasing. What matters to all of us in this theatre – called THE INQUISITOR – is the content, right? It's important, it's what connects us across language barriers.

Hoje dirijo-me a vocês em português e inglês, por motivos atuais. Vou fazer isso em dois idiomas, alternando parágrafo por parágrafo entre português e inglês. Não sou falante nativo de nenhum desses idiomas, portanto, perdoe quaisquer erros e/ou frases estranhas. O que importa para todos nós neste teatro – chamado O INQUISITOR – é o conteúdo, certo? É importante, é o que nos conecta através das barreiras linguísticas.

So, let's talk about content!

Então, vamos falar sobre conteúdo!

The response to Lúcio de Castro's exposé of the machinations in Brazilian football was overwhelming. Since yesterday, many hundreds of people from Brazil have signed up as readers of THE INQUISITOR to consume Lúcio's story, which we have made freely available – without a paywall – in the original Portuguese version.

Assédio, espionagem, homens armados em eleição: a verdadeira face da CBF
Denúncias de assédio sexual e moral. Um Big Brother Setup no escritório do presidente com câmeras espionando funcionários, diretores, gerentes, mídia e treinadores. A pesada presença da polícia armada à vista no dia da eleição para intimidar oponentes políticos. Máfia? Bem vindo à CBF.

A resposta à exposição de Lúcio de Castro sobre as maquinações do futebol brasileiro foi esmagadora. Desde ontem, muitas centenas de pessoas do Brasil se inscreveram como leitores de O INQUISITOR para consumir a história de Lúcio, que disponibilizamos gratuitamente – sem acesso pago – na versão original em português.

Armed guards, hidden cameras & misogyny in play: the face of the Brazilian Football Confederation
Allegations of sexual and moral harassment. A Big Brother setup in the president’s office with cameras spying on employees, directors, media and coaches. The heavy presence of plainclothes armed police on election day to intimidate political opponents. A mafia movie? No. Welcome to the CBF.

Many people from the CBF and its environment were therefore able to obtain comprehensive information in THE INQUISITOR. No problem, even if they don't have a clean record. If we had put Lúcio's research behind a paywall, perhaps two lawyers (or just one) would have booked the cheapest subscription to access the exposé. This has already happened several times in the fledgling history of THE INQUISITOR, involving other spheres of world sport, including people from the football business, numerous international federations, the International Olympic Committee, who were desperate to obtain the documents we published.

Muitas pessoas da CBF e seu entorno puderam, portanto, obter informações completas em O INQUISITOR. Não tem problema, mesmo que eles não tenham ficha limpa. Se tivéssemos colocado a pesquisa de Lúcio atrás de um acesso pago, talvez dois advogados (ou apenas um) teriam reservado a assinatura mais barata para acessar a exposição. Isto já aconteceu várias vezes na história incipiente do INQUISITOR, envolvendo outras esferas do desporto mundial, incluindo pessoas do mundo do futebol, numerosas associações mundiais, o Comité Olímpico Internacional, que estavam desesperados para obter os documentos que publicámos.

We would of course love to continue following developments in the CBF, just as we want to research a thousand topics that should definitely be investigated and analysed. That's why we started this project. That's why we entered into this international co-operation called THE INQUISITOR. We want to regularly offer you exclusive stories, outstanding research of this kind – and the best possible in-depth analyses. For the pre-launch of THE INQUISITOR, we used the former slogan of a football World Cup: Expect Amazing!™ And that remains the case. 

Let’s build something great and create a robust new media
Welcome to THE INQUISITOR! We’re creating an outstanding independent media outlet in the global sports business that focuses on the core tasks of journalism: truth, incorruptibility, investigation, enlightenment, documentation, information, explanation and excellent analysis.

É claro que adoraríamos continuar acompanhando a evolução da CBF, assim como queremos pesquisar mil temas que definitivamente deveriam ser investigados e analisados. É por isso que iniciamos este projeto. É por isso que iniciamos esta cooperação internacional chamada O INQUISITOR. Queremos oferecer-lhe regularmente histórias exclusivas, pesquisas excelentes deste tipo – e as melhores análises aprofundadas possíveis. Para o pré-lançamento de O INQUISITOR, utilizamos o antigo slogan de uma Copa do Mundo de futebol: Espere O  Incrível! E esse continua sendo o caso.


We hope that at least some of our new Brazilian readers will remain with us and not drop out straight away because there are hardly any articles in Portuguese at THE INQUISITOR – and we cannot have a CBF update every week. This was and still is the case for readers in other languages and topics of interest: at the end of 2023, Romain Molina published exclusive research from African football and French sport – unfortunately, some readers consumed and then left right after that.

Touche fatale: what’s going on in French fencing?
A few month before the Olympic Games, heralded by the IOC as a renewal of the movement, French sports are still tainted by the most serious scandals at all levels. The latest instance being the mysterious departure of the former president of the fencing federation, Bruno Gares.
The FIFA game: blackmail and probably invalid elections in Chad’s football federation
Elections are to be held in the Chadian Football Federation on 30 November. However, an order from the High Court suspended the elections. This has provoked displeasure of FIFA, which supports the single-candidate, Ibrahim Foullah, who is currently awaiting trial for corruption and embezzlement.

Esperamos que pelo menos alguns de nossos novos leitores brasileiros permaneçam conosco e não desistam imediatamente porque quase não há artigos em português no INQUISITOR – e não podemos ter uma atualização da CBF toda semana. Este foi e ainda é o caso de leitores de outras línguas e temas de interesse: no final de 2023, Romain Molina publicou pesquisas exclusivas sobre o futebol africano e o esporte francês – infelizmente, alguns leitores consumiram e saíram logo em seguida.

The main language of THE INQUISITOR is and remains English.

A língua principal do INQUISITOR é e continua sendo o inglês.

But maybe you'll give us a chance anyway. Even if you are primarily or only interested in football issues, perhaps you will develop an interest in other topics from other spheres and sports here at THE INQUISITOR. They might surprise you and even broaden your horizons and understanding of world sport and the parallels that can be drawn across the entire sports organisation landscape. So, if you feel able to give this project a chance, support our work and help us to expand our coverage, we would be delighted.

Frequently asked questions about THE INQUISITOR
THE INQUISITOR aims to be the world’s leading independent, investigative media dealing with organised sports crime and governance that lacks transparency and integrity, focussing on the Olympic system but including non-olympic sports and organisations.
What would Andrew Jennings do? He would push this project forward.
The most important investigative Olympic journalist has died in 2022, in the year of the sporting rogue states with mega events in China and Qatar. We honor the legacy of Andrew Jennings with THE INQUISITOR project. Read about decades in which our network has been built. This goes beyond journalism.

Mas talvez você nos dê uma chance de qualquer maneira. Mesmo que você esteja principalmente ou apenas interessado em questões de futebol, talvez você desenvolva interesse por outros temas de outras esferas e esportes aqui no THE INQUISITOR. Eles podem surpreendê-lo e até mesmo ampliar seus horizontes e compreensão do esporte mundial e dos paralelos que podem ser traçados em todo o cenário das organizações esportivas. Então, se você se sentir capaz de dar uma chance a esse projeto, apoiar nosso trabalho e nos ajudar a ampliar nossa cobertura, ficaremos muito felizes.

And, of course, we also have to address a topic that people don't like to talk about: Investigative journalism, a strong part of what we do takes serious amounts of time, effort and money. Lúcio, the author of the marvellous story about the latest developments at the CBF, does not live on short-term fame. He's a professional who must pay his bills. The same is true for the rest of us, just as it is for you and anyone else who must earn their living.

E, claro, também temos de abordar um tema sobre o qual as pessoas não gostam de falar: o jornalismo de investigação, uma grande parte do que fazemos, exige muito tempo, esforço e dinheiro. Lúcio, autor da maravilhosa artigo sobre os últimos acontecimentos da CBF, não vive de fama de curto prazo. Ele é um profissional que deve pagar suas contas. O mesmo se aplica a todos nós, assim como a você e a qualquer outra pessoa que precise ganhar a vida.

In that spirit, even if you can't afford or don't want to pay for a subscription, please consider donating an amount of your choice to THE INQUISITOR project. You can do this via these buttons, through  PayPal or Stripe:

Nesse espírito, mesmo que você não possa pagar ou não queira pagar por uma assinatura, considere doar uma quantia de sua escolha para o projeto THE INQUISITOR. Você pode fazer isso por meio destes botões, via PayPal ou Stripe.

THE INQUISITOR can only exist in the long term and deliver consistent first-class journalism if we receive the required funding, including a flow of income from annual subscriptions. Our introductory prices are still valid until tomorrow, January 31 – both for private individuals and for business subscriptions. From February 1, we will offer our services at the regular, higher, prices. So, Carpe Diem, seize the day!

O INQUISITOR só poderá existir a longo prazo e fornecer jornalismo consistente de primeira classe se recebermos o financiamento necessário, incluindo um fluxo de receitas provenientes de assinaturas anuais. Os nossos preços iniciais continuam válidos até amanhã, 31 de janeiro – tanto para particulares como para assinaturas empresariais. A partir de 1º de fevereiro, oferecemos nossos serviços a preços normais e mais elevados. Então, Carpe Diem, aproveite o dia!

In the meantime, our website with its research and in-depth analyses should give you a good idea of what you can continue to expect from us. There is currently no comparable international project in this area.

IOC directors earn more money than Olympic champions – and more than any single Olympic sport
It is one of the most intriguing questions about the dubious dictatorship of IOC President Thomas Bach: Why were the salaries of some IOC directors almost doubled in the middle of the COVID crisis? Why do his loyal servants earn more money from the IOC in one Olympiad than any Olympic IF?
Read the dubious dismissal order in the case of FIFA president and IOC member Infantino
FIFA President Gianni Infantino thinks he is in seventh heaven after a case against him was dropped on flimsy grounds. Our readers deserve to see not just the accompanying FIFA propaganda message but the original document - in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and in the original German version.
The case of Insidethegames: beware of Russian propaganda
Just in time for the birthday of the Russian would-be oligarch Umar Kremlev, the final sale of the media platform Insidethegames was announced. The new owners, who operate through a strange corporate construct, are old acquaintances and associates of Kremlin-affiliated Kremlev.
Where Olympic sports reform finds itself in choppy seas
Swimming’s new Integrity Unit faces its first test of independence as questions swirl around European Aquatics’ Portuguese president António Silva. The board will have an emergency meeting this evening to fend a serious threat to Silva’s re-election later this month.
Wording of the judgement against Sheikh Ahmad: “Selfish actions, bad collaboration, nil awarness of wrongdoing”
We provide subscribers with the latest judgement. Read the document and make up your own mind. Ahmad and his supporters are still lying. To this day, the Olympic family continues to perpetuate lie that the criminal conviction is somehow just a private matter – but the case shows Ahmad’s true colors.

Entretanto, o nosso site, com as suas pesquisas e análises aprofundadas, deverá dar-lhe uma boa ideia do que pode continuar a esperar de nós. Atualmente não existe nenhum projeto internacional comparável nesta área.

We have several dozen topics in the pipeline for the coming weeks and months. We can only achieve all this together with you.

Temos várias dezenas de tópicos em preparação para as próximas semanas e meses. Só conseguiremos tudo isso junto com você.

We wish you a pleasant day. Thank you for your attention. Kind regards!

Desejamos-lhe um dia agradável. Obrigado pela sua atenção. Atenciosamente!


Boxing at the Olympics? The IOC enters the final battle

Boxing at the Olympics? The IOC enters the final battle

In a letter to 206 National Olympic Committees, the IOC stated that national boxing federations that remain members of the International Boxing Association (IBA), will lose all rights. The NOCs are not to maintain any relations with these boxing federations. That is the game changer.

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