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ahmad ahmad

What did Fatma Samoura contribute to football?

What did Fatma Samoura contribute to football?

It was not long ago in the Rwandan capital Kigali following FIFA president Gianni Infantino’s re-election by acclamation that Fatma Samoura yelled “I love you, president,” but the love story between the world federation and its current secretary general has come to an end.

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Patrice Motsepe. (Photo: CAF)

«La CAF est devenue un département de la FIFA»

L’élection la semaine dernière du nouveau président de la Confédération africaine de football, le Sud-Africain Patrice Motsepe, a montré, au grand jour, l’ingérence de Gianni Infantino. Mais peu de voix osent s’en offusquer ouvertement.

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